Don’t just help them feel good. Work with them to do better.

Your clients already have the pathways toward their desires. Unlock their goals with practical techniques you can trust.

Designed for coaches, by coaches.

How is this different than Strengths + Resilience?

Instead of immediate application to your lived experience, we discuss how to coach someone through moments of intensity, while marrying their strengths to their desired outcome. We pause early and often to discuss the skills of coaching in accordance with ICF (International Coach Federation) Core Competencies and guidelines.

It’s a longer time investment, with more homework, and required reflection assignments.

Is this a train-the-trainer for Strengths + Resilience?

Not at the moment. This is about you as a coach, and how you help your clients build resilience through strength. This will not focus on how to teach or re-teach the workshop, but how to coach with the content in a 1:1 setting.

What do I get?

Coaching Strengths + Resilience is accredited by ICF for ongoing education, including 7 CCE hours and 7 RD hours.

Course materials include a printed workbook, dedicated Slack channel, and a deck of Excellence in Action cards.

2025 Cohort 1 with Maika:

January 27

February 3

February 10

2025 Cohort 2 with Amy:

May 3

May 10

May 17

Coach through the tough stuff from a place of possibility.

  • This program blends solo discovery and live virtual classroom interaction.

    Total time (minimum estimate): 13.5 hours

    Individual Work: 4.5 hours

    Live Course Experience: 9 hours (3 hours x 3 sessions)

  • While pausing intentionally along the way to explore ICF Core Coaching Competencies, you will learn and embed the following:

    Framework for Strengths + Resilience: Capacity, Reach, Recover, Red Flag

    Navigating Intensity with your Client: Intensity, Inquiry, Forgiveness, Design

    Activities to use in a 1:1 Coaching Setting: Critical Success, Powerful Questions, Strengths in Action, Illustrative Listening, Forgiveness List, Futurecasting, Cues + Defaults

  • This course utilizes Gallup's CliftonStrengths tool as an accelerator of client conversation. While experience with the tool is not required, it is suggested.

    Coaches with experience and certification in CliftonStrengths will find complementary activities to further their clients' application of strengths in daily life.

  • Participants: This course is designed for existing coaches. We will not focus on the basics of how to coach, nor the basics of CliftonStrengths. This is an accelerated approach at coaching through stress with a focus on client strength.

    Coaches must attend all 3 live sessions (3 hours each), and participate in the dedicated Slack channel.

    To be eligible for ICF credit (7 CCE + 7 RD), coaches must complete a final reflection project.


Strengths & Resilience